Easy Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes You Need in Your Life

Easy Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes You Need in Your Life

Why Enjoy Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes?

I remember when I got my first slow cooker. I was 24 and I had absolutely no idea what to do with it. I was totally intimidated and didn’t even understand the concept of slow cooking. Nor did I realize the vast array of things you can make in your slow cooker. It isn’t just for soups, but also for:

  • barbecue chicken
  • stuffed peppers
  • homemade cider
  • and just about EVERYTHING else

A friend of mine let me borrow her enormous slow cooker recipe book and I took it to the library and made a bunch of copies out of it. Eager to try a brand new form of cooking.

Here’s my best tips for learning how to use a Crock-pot.
  1. Learn how much liquid to add to the type of recipe you’re making and remember it’s not going to evaporate!
  2. Learn the average cook times for your favorite meats (chicken will fall apart super quick, pork and steak you might want to cook low and slow if you have the time… learn the basic timing of your favorite meals.)
  3. Remember meat goes below the veggies.
  4. Please visit here to complete recipe.
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Thank you for Reading and happy cooking.

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