16 Zero Calorie Foods For Weight Loss

16 Zero Calorie Foods For Weight Loss

Zero calorie foods for weight loss!… What does that even mean? Do I have to eat salad all day every? Absolutely not.

What makes a food zero calories?

The theory of zero calorie foods is that the body will burn more calories metabolizing and cooking the food than the calories the food contains.

This is a process called thermogenesis, and it’s how your body heats itself up.

So it doesn’t mean that the food literally contains ZERO calories. It does contain some calories, but the body burns off more calories eating and digesting the food than the food itself contains.

Cool, right?

So make sure you add more of these foods to your diet any chance you get!  They will keep you away from calories and still fill you up.

Please visit here to get full recipe.

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Thank you for Reading and happy cooking.


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